How to Keep Your Fitness Routine Consistent This Time of Year

fitness tips Nov 30, 2019

We're all busy. From work, to motherhood to household chores our days are filled with hustling and bustling around. Especially this time of year as the holiday season adds in an extra element of craziness. Often times our fitness routine is the first thing to be pushed to the back burner. However, keeping your exercise consistent can not only help you avoid gaining the dreaded "holiday" pounds. It can help you to decrease stress, anxiety and improve stress. So staying active and keeping a consistent activity level through the holidays, should be a must on your list!


Here's some tips on how to do just that.


1. Schedule your workouts - make sure to sit down each week and plan out your workouts based on your schedule. Write them in your planner, add them to your google calendar, get them down where you can see them planned out and you'll be more likely to make them happen. Even better, if you take group classes, sign up in advance so you're more accountable for going! Just make sure you plan ahead and set the mindset that you WILL get those workouts in.


2. Make it part of your routine - If you're a morning person, get up a little earlier and make a morning workout part of your morning routine. A quick yoga session right when you wake up, an early morning gym class before work, or a quick walk around the block before heading out to take your kids to school. If you're a night person, make your workout part of your evening routine. Drive to the gym instead of home after work, change into your clothes before getting in your car so you can do a garage workout right when you get home. Or hop on the treadmill after your kids are in bed for a wind down walk. Find the time that works for you, then make it part of your everyday routine.


3. Just move more - No time to get to the gym between Christmas shopping and wrapping? Just move more! Park further away in the parking lot at the mall. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Set a timer in your phone to get up and move every hour if you're sitting for work. Just by increasing your steps each day, you can increase your calorie burn and stay on top of your daily movement!


4. Move your workouts to the weekend - Weekdays too busy to workout this season? No worries! Move your workouts to the weekend! Try a fun class or hit up the gym in the morning before the day starts. Kicking off the weekend with a workout can be a great way to set the tone and for squeezing in activity!


5. Find an accountability buddy, coach or group - it's no secret we do better when we have someone there to keep us motivated. Especially this time of year! So find someone to support you with staying on track. A workout buddy, a friend you can call or text when you need a push (or a walk off the cookie ledge) or an accountability group to help keep you motivated! Speaking of an accountability group, my 21 day Holiday Hustle Group is the perfect way to keep you motivated and on track through the holidays!


This online bootcamp will run from December 2nd through December 22nd and will include,

- a holiday macronutrients and nutrition guide

- weekly sample meal plans

- weekly at home or travel workouts

- recipe ideas

- a healthy dining out guide

- a private FB group where you'll have accountability, support, motivation and fun!


All led by me, a certified nutrition coach and personal trainer :-)


Interested? You can register for this group here or message me at [email protected] for more information.


Nutrition news, recipes, meal planning ideas, workouts, and more!  All for free when you click subscribe!  Don't worry, your information will not be shared.

P.S. I promise not to spam you!