4-Month Women's Wellness Coaching: Whole Body Coaching for the Perimenopausal Woman!

A comprehensive in depth, holistic coaching experience to help you address the root cause of symptoms and heal your body from the inside out!

If you're tired of...
  • letting your mood swings dictate your day 
  • constantly feeling exhausted even when you've had a good night of sleep
  • feeling like you're doing all the right things but not seeing any changes on the scale or with the way your clothes fit
  • pretending to be asleep because you're never in the mood anymore
  • waking up between 1:00 and 3:00am unable to go back to sleep or drenched in sweat
This opportunity is for you! 
Enroll HERE

As a Women's Health Coach and Integrative Health Practitioner, I've seen the incredible results that come from digging deep into hormone imbalances through functional lab testing.  When we're able to get to the root cause of symptoms, it unlocks the doors that have been keeping you stuck.

The truth is, it's not that you need to work harder or that you need more motivation.  

Instead, real, lasting results come from learning how to take control of your hormones so you can regain your confidence, energy and live out your best life!

Here's how we'll do that:

Month 1: 60 minute intake and initial recommendations

  • Tailored Health Intake Form: We kick off your journey by understanding you better. Complete a comprehensive health intake form, helping us get to the heart of your unique health profile.
  • Personalized 1:1 Deep Dive: We’ll connect for a transformative 60-minute session. We'll explore your symptoms, your aspirations, and your journey. Together, we'll craft an initial action plan, setting you on the path to immediate well-being.
  • Convenient At-Home Labs: Start your health transformation right from your doorstep. We’ll order your functional labs, and you'll receive straightforward instructions to complete the test comfortably in your own space. Feel free to ask me any questions on how to complete your test!

Month 2: 60-minute appointment with personal recommendations post lab test results

  • Once we receive your lab results (3-6 weeks from the date you ship them off) we’ll meet on zoom for a 60 minute deep dive into your health.
  • You’ll receive a customized holistic protocol based on your results with guidance on how to implement suggestions into you life. Including how to exercise, what to eat, and what supplements are actually going to benefit you.

Month 3: 30 minute follow up and program adjustments

  • After beginning your new holistic plan, we’ll hop on a call to discuss how things are going and if we need to make any modifications or adjustments to your protocol.

Month 4: 30 minute follow up and program adjustments

  • Now that you’re a few months into your protocol, we’ll have one more follow up call to chat about how things are going and make any adjustments or modifications as needed.  

What's Included? 

  • At home functional lab tests mailed directly to your door with easy to follow instructions and all return shipping materials.
  • Endless email support during the 4 months for questions, concerns or anything else that comes up! 
  • Immediate action steps based on intake form to get you feeling better right out the gates.
  • Personalized recommendations and plan of action based on lab results including what to eat, how to exercise and what supplements are worth it for YOU! 
  • Easy to use app with access to lab results, personalized plan, suggested meal plan with recipes.
  • Lifetime access to my exclusive online portal with education, tools, resources and more for continued success on your health journey! 
  • Updated recommendations based on biofeedback and progress.  



This has been by far the best program I have done. I've gained much more confidence, energy and less stress. My sleep has improved, I've lost inches and gained muscle. I'm 56 years old and never thought I could gain muscle. Giselle has been awesome to work with and always there to answer any question.


Even though it was hard to learn that my hormones were out of whack, it was so reassuring to find out that I wasn't crazy!  Now that I've spent the time working to balance them, I feel SO much better and lost 10 pounds in 3 months!  I'm so grateful I took the leap and invested in testing! 


My doctor told me my thyroid was fine but deep down I knew something was off.  Low and behold my T4 wasn't converting to T3 which was affecting my thyroid function.  After implementing the supplements and suggestions you gave me, I already feel SO much better and I'm only 3 months in!  Thank you!


I loved the attention Giselle gives to making sure I understood what was going on in my body. I learned so much about my body and how the lack of food I’ve been eating all these years has impacted me. I do feel less bloated and can see the difference in my before and after photos. 


I'm amazed at how much better I already feel after just one month!  I'm walking up the stairs pain free which I haven't done in SO long!  I have so much more energy and my stress levels have drastically improved.  


I had no idea how much stress I was under until we ran the test and saw that my cortisol was all over the place!  With the supplements you recommended and the stress reducing activities I've added in, I already feel so much better! 

Enroll HERE


Pay In Full 

One payment of $1197

This includes full hormone panel delivered straight to your door.  

Enroll HERE

4 Payments

4 Monthly payments of $319.

Enroll HERE

6 Payments 

Make payments of $219 every 3 weeks.

Enroll HERE

Extended Payment Plan

Monthly payments of $149 for 9 months.  (Payments extend after the program is over)

Enroll HERE